The current, or Phase 1, Building Community Resilience in Bywong and Wamboin Program is now complete.
A Report of the Program is available for download here.
Based on that Report the Steering Group is now looking to develop a Phase 2 Program in partnership with the Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council. For more details see Appendix 3 of the Evaluation.
The Building Community Resilience program is about better connections between people and local neighbourhoods in Bywong and Wamboin.
These connections create a foundation for local safety, sharing local knowledge and help when needed, to ensure living a rural residential life can be a rewarding and sustaining experience in uncertain times.
The program builds on two existing initiatives- the Community Firewise Groups and the public walks program on the Greenways.
To support those two initiatives, we plan to offer a community leadership program to help volunteers who may want to lead public walks, offer to be a Firewise convener or to step up in other ways to assist the community.
And finally, we hope to offer a range of other events - talks and social events- to ensure we are able to include everyone who wants to take part.
MORE INFORMATION about the current details of this program are available to DOWNLOAD HERE
Community Firewise
Neigbhourhood safety networks
Other Events
Social, Talks & Workshops
Public Walks on the Greenways
Walk, Talk and Connect
Leadership Program
Step Up and Step Out
Steering Group
The Program is driven by a Steering Group of local volunteers, currently led by Carol Boughton.
The Group is making decisions about the program and is accountable to Resilience NSW for the agreed funded Program.
CONTACT the Program Steering Group by email.
Project Officer
Amanda Jones is our newly engaged Project Office. Amanda is finalising our detailed Project Plan and by the end of June we should have available a formal schedule of activities encompassing the Greenways Walks & Talks, creating new FireWise Groups and training in community leadership. In the meantime, a preliminary schedule is available here.
Program Partners
The Program grant application was initiated by the Greenways Renewal Working (GRoW) group, and is supported by the:
We thank all our partners for supporting this community program and appreciate everything they do for our communities.
Bywong & Wamboin

Bywong and Wamboin NSW, are localities in the western-most part of the Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council local government area, very close to the North-Eastern border of Canberra, ACT. We are located on the Lake George escarpment with Sutton (West) and Bungendore (East) our closest villages.
Classed as a rural residential area, Bywong and Wamboin has 3,030+ residents with small holdings typically 5-20 acres.
Bywong & Wamboin each have a community hall & community association. We also have a unique network of public walkways through bushland called Greenways, a range of voluntary organisations including the very active local Wamboin Rural Fire Brigade, two pony clubs, Landcare and our organisation, GRoW, among others.
Our locality is a recognised fire-prone area within the Lake George zone of Rural Fire Services.
Our hybrid urban/rural population with no town centre or built environment to indicate a local population means providing services and support to such a scattered population has proven difficult for all levels of government.
Hence, the purpose of this program is to try to offer support to our community at a grassroots level to help improve our individual and community resilience through stronger relationship networks.
PAGE UPDATED 27 February 2022